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¡Hola ganchilleras soy Majovel y este es mi blog de crochet y ganchillo! Aquí encontrareis muchas manualidades, ¡Todas hechas a mano por ustedes! ¡Todas DIY! ¡Muy fácil, sencillo y rápido! ¡Explicado paso a paso! ¡Para principiantes y avanzados! Ademas de muchos consejos y tips crocheteros. Aquí encontrareis mis patrones, tutoriales y videos¡Todo lo que podáis imaginar y para toda la familia!
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Beautiful crochet poncho, very easy and simple. DIY
Crochet poncho.
This week I teach you how
to make this beautiful crochet and crochet poncho that is very easy to
make, all step by step, in a simple way so that you can do yourself this
DIY, .The size is for a girl of 3 or 4 years but you can make the size you want, for girls from 2 to 12 years I leave the sizes by clicking here.. On the other hand if you want to do it for adults you have the measures clicking here.. The stitch is from Elena of @crochetbyellej I hope you like it.
150 grams of pink wool
4 mm hook
Start with 86 chains
Join with slip stitch
Be careful, do not twist the chain!
Round 1
1 Round -3 chains, 2 doble crochet , 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the same chain
We have 42 chains. Until you reach the middle. We put a marker. Continue with 2 chains *, Skip 2 chains
1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet in the same chain, 2 chains, skip 2 chains, 1 single crochet repeat from *
Continue the round until you reach the marker, We have to have 7 V. When we reach the marker.
3 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the same chain, Continue with 2 chains *, Skip 2 chains
1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet in the same chain, 2 chains, skip 2 chains, 1 single crochet repeat from *
Corner pattern |
Continue the sequence until the end of the round, We have to have another 7 V. As the previous part
Finish spin with slip stitch
Remember! That we always start and end the same
Start without joining the chain
This way to start. So you can do it in any size, You can make the chain as you need to customize
Make a chain The measure you need
1 Round-3 chains, 2 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the same chain
. Until you reach the middle. We put a marker. Continue with 2 chains *, Skip 2 chains
1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet in the same chain, 2 chains, skip 2 chains, 1 single crochet repeat from *
Continue the round until you get to your measure, when you reach half of your measure. When we get to the middle we will always do the same
3 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the same chain, Continue with 2 chains *, Skip 2 chains
1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet in the same chain, 2 chains, skip 2 chains, 1 single crochet repeat from *
Continue the sequence until the end of the round, We have to have another 7 V. As the previous part
Finish round with slip stitch . The leftover chain falls apart
The second round will be the same in the 2 starts.
Round 2
Round 2 pattern |
2 Round -3 chains , 2 doble crochet, 2 chains , 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains (These 2 chains will always be made. Because in those 2 chains we are going to make the increase)
1 puff stitch of 3 loops *, 3 doble crochet, 1 chain, 3 doble crochet, 1 puff stitch of 3. Inside the V. Skip to the next V Repeat *
We continue the sequence until we reach the middle, when we reach the middle. We will have 7 fans. We continue 3 chains, 2 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains (These 2 chains will always be made. Because in those 2 chains we are going to make the increase)
1 puff stitch of 3 loops *, 3 doble crochet, 1 chain, 3 doble crochet, 1 puff stitch of 3 loops . Inside the V. Jump to the next V Repeat *
we continue the sequence until we reach the end of the round
3 Return- 3 chains, 2 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains *, (in the 2 chains of the previous round we do) 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains , in the middle of the fan 1 single crochet
2 chains, between the fans, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan a single crochet repeat * sequence until reaching the middle. When we reach the middle
3 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains *, (in the 2 chains of the previous round we do) 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan 1 single crochet
2 chains, between the fans, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan a 1 single crochet repeat * sequence until you reach the end of the round.
I wanted to leave it with the waves of the fans I worked it for 20 rounds 9 inches or 23 centimeters long until the peak 32 centimeters or 12.5 inches.
I hope you liked it, here I leave the video with the tutorial so you do not miss a single detail. Any questions you have leave it in the comments and I will answer them as soon as I can.1 puff stitch of 3 loops *, 3 doble crochet, 1 chain, 3 doble crochet, 1 puff stitch of 3. Inside the V. Skip to the next V Repeat *
We continue the sequence until we reach the middle, when we reach the middle. We will have 7 fans. We continue 3 chains, 2 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains (These 2 chains will always be made. Because in those 2 chains we are going to make the increase)
1 puff stitch of 3 loops *, 3 doble crochet, 1 chain, 3 doble crochet, 1 puff stitch of 3 loops . Inside the V. Jump to the next V Repeat *
we continue the sequence until we reach the end of the round
Round 3
3 Return- 3 chains, 2 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains *, (in the 2 chains of the previous round we do) 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains , in the middle of the fan 1 single crochet
2 chains, between the fans, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan a single crochet repeat * sequence until reaching the middle. When we reach the middle
3 doble crochet, 2 chains, 3 doble crochet in the middle of the fan, 2 chains *, (in the 2 chains of the previous round we do) 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan 1 single crochet
2 chains, between the fans, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, 1 doble crochet, 2 chains, in the middle of the fan a 1 single crochet repeat * sequence until you reach the end of the round.
I wanted to leave it with the waves of the fans I worked it for 20 rounds 9 inches or 23 centimeters long until the peak 32 centimeters or 12.5 inches.
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